Jordon Ferber - Healing and Humor

Meet Jordon Ferber, a surviving sibling who's traversed the labyrinth of loss through a mix of tender reflection, candid conversations, and a dash of humor. Jordon recounts the larger-than-life story of his younger brother Russell - an inspiring young man who managed to charm the New York Knicks at the tender age of 13, despite grappling with a mild growth hormone deficiency. Jordon shares the story of Russell's exciting life throughout the celebrity chef world and is burning passion that kept him succeeding.

In this episode, Jordon and I unpack the surreal moments at the morgue, the unexpected triggers that bring memories flooding back, and our unique paths through the darkest times. From scattering ashes in favorite places, to getting tattoos in remembrance, we find solace and sometimes even humor in the rituals of grief. We also confront societal norms around male grief, challenging the damaging stereotype of men 'rubbing dirt in it and getting back out there'. Jordon also shares his experiences with Compassionate Friends (TCF), a peer support network that played a crucial role in his grief journey. Join us for this touching, inspiring, and even occasionally humorous exploration of sibling loss.

In the episode we're covering:
(0:13:45) - Bond and Memories
(0:25:51) - Coping With Tragic News and Loss
(0:29:45) - Grief, Family, and Unexpected Moments
(0:38:27) - Grieving and Finding Humor in Mourning
(0:55:37) - Compassionate Friends in Grief Journey
(1:11:29) - Breaking Societal Stereotypes of Male Grief

This Episode is sponsored by The Surviving Siblings Guide.
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