Rachel Woodruff

Rachel lost her little brother Aaron in a motorcycle accident in 2002. She was really close to him, as he was the only full brother and her sibling that she shared a childhood with, so receiving the call was a heartbreaking and pivotal moment in her life.
The first few weeks after Aaron passed were a blur for her. Rachel felt a mix of emotions because everyone expected her to be strong for her parents and to deal with all the funeral arrangements for her brother. Two months after Aaron’s death, she felt desperate as she couldn’t control the fact that Aaron had died. She was trying to fix her grief, which led her to attend her first group meeting at one of The Compassionate Friends chapters in Atlanta.

May 10, 2023

Rachel Woodruff - Suddenly Losing Aaron

Rachel lost her little brother Aaron in a motorcycle accident in 2002. She was really close to him, as he was the only full brother and her sibling that she shared a childhood with, so receiving the call was a heartbreaking and pivotal moment in her...