Preston Zeller

Preston Zeller Profile Photo

Preston grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Colin. When Preston was in college, Colin decided to go in the military, in part to escape the lifestyle he was living, but being in the military and going on two tours had taken a toll on Colin, and he ended up passing due to a drug overdose.
Preston got the dreaded call while he was at work. As soon as he made it home, he broke down. All he wanted to do was to be with his wife and kids, but his family also needed him. As part of his grief journey, he wanted to challenge himself in new ways while also honoring Colin, so he decided to paint every day for 365 days and make a documentary about it.

May 17, 2023

Preston Zeller - The Art of Grieving

Preston grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Colin. When Preston was in college, Colin decided to go in the military, in part to escape the lifestyle he was living, but being in the military and going on two tours had taken a toll on Colin, and...