Chelsey McHale

Chelsey McHale Profile Photo

Chelsey created the first-ever sibling loss group in Arizona.

She lost her 25-year-old brother in a mountain climbing accident back in 2011, a week before her college graduation. She then worked with the City of Phoenix for 3 years and has been an advocate for safe hiking awareness. She has been able to get her brother's picture and story on the mountain to be used as a safety sign. She also attended the Compassionate Friends conference and did a workshop on honoring your sibling.

April 19, 2023

Chelsey McHale - Losing Her Brother to the Mountain

All surviving siblings have a different story. Chelsey and Clint were inseparable when they were kids, most of the time they were by themselves because their father was in and out of the picture and their mother was a single mom, working two jobs to...