Angela Kusch

Angela Kusch Profile Photo

Angela is the oldest sibling of five children and she became a surviving sibling 20 years ago when her brother Nicky passed. Nicky’s story begins after he was in a severe car accident and developed an addiction from being on strong medications for pain. He was in and out of rehab a few times until one day Angela received “the call”, where a police officer informed her that her brother had passed. Years after losing Nicky, she was coming back from a camping trip and received the second call, where they told her she had suddenly lost her second sibling, Steven, to a heart attack. 

Angela’s most recent loss is her sister Cindy. Angela lost Cindy due to a fentanyl overdose. Like Nicky, Cindy was in and out of rehab and she was trying to put her life back together again. She was trying to make better choices for herself and her children. Unfortunately, she took fentanyl without knowing and overdosed.

April 26, 2023

Angela Kusch - Surviving Three of Her Siblings

CONTENT WARNING: Please note that this episode contains depictions and stories of siblings lost by suicide, homicide and/or domestic violence. We understand that some people may find these triggering, activating and/or disturbing. Angela is the...
Guest: Angela Kusch