Season 3

March 15, 2023

Audree Kropen - A Grandmother’s Surviving Sibling Journey

Welcome to season 3 of the Surviving Siblings podcast. We are starting this season with a returning guest and season sponsor, Audree Kropen from SibsForever. Audree’s story is an interesting one, make sure you go back to and from .  In this...

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March 22, 2023

Maggie Bauer - Losing a Sibling by Su*cide

CONTENT WARNING: Please note that this episode contains depictions and stories of siblings lost by suicide, homicide and/or domestic violence. We understand that some people may find these triggering, activating and/or disturbing. Maggie Bauer lost...

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March 29, 2023

Janice Jernigan - Growing up with Grief

Janice Jernigan lost her sister Julie when she was only 3 years old, and this major loss ignited a cascade of secondary losses. Janice lost the opportunity of sharing milestones with her sister, receiving advice from her growing up and even beauty tricks....

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April 5, 2023

Judy Lipson - Celebration of Sisters

Judy Lipson is the middle of three sisters. She became a surviving sibling when she lost her younger sister Jane in a car accident. Nine years later, she lost her sister Margie, who had been fighting bulimia and anorexia for over two decades. Judy...

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April 12, 2023

Nickky Wise Neff - Multiple Sibling Loss

CONTENT WARNING: Please note that this episode contains depictions and stories of siblings lost by suicide, homicide and/or domestic violence. We understand that some people may find these triggering, activating and/or disturbing. There’s a lot to...

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April 19, 2023

Chelsey McHale - Losing Her Brother to the Mountain

All surviving siblings have a different story. Chelsey and Clint were inseparable when they were kids, most of the time they were by themselves because their father was in and out of the picture and their mother was a single mom, working two jobs to...

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April 26, 2023

Angela Kusch - Surviving Three of Her Siblings

CONTENT WARNING: Please note that this episode contains depictions and stories of siblings lost by suicide, homicide and/or domestic violence. We understand that some people may find these triggering, activating and/or disturbing. Angela is the...

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May 3, 2023

Aletha Laughlin - Grieving as a Young Surviving Sibling

Aletha was only 9 years old when her brother Brett passed. Even though they were 9 years apart, they were very close. Aletha and Brett spent a lot of time on the tracks since Brett started racing at a very young age. Racing was Brett’s passion. In...

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May 10, 2023

Rachel Woodruff - Suddenly Losing Aaron

Rachel lost her little brother Aaron in a motorcycle accident in 2002. She was really close to him, as he was the only full brother and her sibling that she shared a childhood with, so receiving the call was a heartbreaking and pivotal moment in her...

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May 17, 2023

Preston Zeller - The Art of Grieving

Preston grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Colin. When Preston was in college, Colin decided to go in the military, in part to escape the lifestyle he was living, but being in the military and going on two tours had taken a toll on Colin, and...

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May 31, 2023

Recap of Season Three and Updates on Maya's Grief Journey

It's hard to believe that we are wrapping up Season Three, and Maya is back for her recap of the season. Maya will be discussing her personal takeaways from each guest as well as give recommendations for particular episodes depending on your own grief...

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